Thursday, April 24, 2008

Guess I'll continue...

I hadn't intended to continue this blog after my trip to Ghana, but I'm thinking maybe it'd be a good thing. Now that I say that though, I don't have much else to say.

The main thing that's going on in my life right now is the oh-so-important college decision. Out of the thousands of colleges and universities in the nation, I have managed to narrow it down to two.

Westminster College is in Salt Lake and is a small liberal arts school. It's rated pretty highly, has a nice campus, and good programs.

Cornell College is pretty prestigious, has good programs, is also a small liberal arts school (1,500) and is in Mt. Vernon, Iowa. Pretty far away. I'm leaning towards Cornell, but I've yet to visit it, so we'll see. I've gotta make a decision pretty quick though, so wish me luck.

Other than college I'm just trying to get graduated. I did get my drivers license last week (thank goodness!). It only took me about two years, but better late than never I guess. Now if I can just convince mom that I can drive...
I'll probably need more luck for that than for a college decision!

1 comment:

Kerry said...

I VOTE BYU!!!!!!!!!!! Someone in this family needs to continue the "correct" traditions of our fathers.....not the "incorrect" or "fallen" traditions that are becoming so popular these days. Love, your favorite and oh-so-wise aunt